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ok, this week i've just finished my midtest exam in my school . and oh god !!! i have no idea.

Mission 1 :
ICT (TIK) : ok, i screwed up many answers. and i dont wanna talk about it anymore
Biology : hmmmm, for a pessimist, i'm pretty optimistic in this subject
Sosiology : WHOA, i have no idea. I was confused, and to be honest, i dont like to study about people so i dont like this subject very much, especially it's teacher. eww

Mission 2:
civilization (pkn bahasa inggrisnya apa sih?) : hmmm, i wasnt really sure when i did this test. i just "ngarang bebas"
english : i love english very much. so, i think, i did it pretty well, but i'm sure it wouldnt be perfect
geography : i had no idea. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Mission 3:

PE : haha, i loved this test because all the questions were taken from "uji kompetisi" in my LKS.
History : OMG, it was like "pengetahuan umum" questions, i pretty messed up this test.
Indonesian languange : eventhough, this is my mother language, but i dont like this test. because i had to write 500-1000 words to describe 1) suasana bayar spp 2)suasana di kantin pas istirahat 3) suasana sholat pas istirahat. and i chose the second topic. And can you imagine, we had to do around 25 multiple choice questions, and then we had to write 500-1000 description paragraph in about 90 minutes. sick ! hey, i finished my writings, but i'm not so sure in my multiple choice ^^;

Mission 4:

islamic religion : mmmm, since i didnt study hard in this subject, so i'm sure i wouldnt get good score from it.
economy : oh my god, those economy's things that i've already studied ga ada yang keluar ! aaaa, i studied about adam smith, david ricardo, carrie and their theories. But, friends, it was useless ! and i was not so sure about the graphic. aaa, help me
math : oooo, i just loved this test ! i did it pretty well, and kumon really helps me. and, yesterday, i just knew i got perfect score for this test. 100 friends. oh god, my first 100 in high school

Mission 5:
japanese language : haha, i want to tell you something. in my school, there are four languages that we can learn. Japanese, french, german, and chinese. I picked japanese. So, in my class, ada yang jepang, ada yang prancis, ada yang jerman , ada yang cina. And, guess what? Japanese test was so easy. But, my friends from german, french, and chinese class had to do 25 questions. wiiihiii.
BLOODY NIGHTMARE physics : oh my god, i dont wanna talk about it ! i couldnt do it, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, can i hang myself? where's the rope?
Mission 6:
Chemistry : Hmmmm, And i hate the teacher who's watching out over my class. The honorable Mr. Suryo. He's so damn evil. My friend forgot to bring pencil and she wanted to borrow from my other friend, and when Mr.Suryo knew that, he's got angry. Grrr. Have you never forgot to bring your pencil, mister?

sorry, if my grammar is screwed up ! hahaha, but i'm so damn relieved now i got my FREEDOM back. wooohoo !

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