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About You:
Name: Nadhira Sagita Putri
Middle Name: Sagita
Nick Name: Adin
Height: *top secret*
Age: 14
Race: Melayu
Hair Color: Black
Skin Type: Brown or Yellow?
Eye Color: Black
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Write the first thing that comes to mind:
I like: movies
I Love: TV
Everybody: People
Slap that: Bitch !!
Sky Is blue!?!: Of course
Haha: LOL
One: and only
Rap and hippop: black people
GOD: i love Him
RAIN: speed racer. my name is rain ?
Yo WTF: Yo
School Tomorrow: thats sucks
Barack Obama: president of USA
youre a Ghost: no, i'm not
I will: go around the world *tapi boong*
Are you bore?: YEAH !!
THE 3:
If you can bring back 3 people who would it be and Why?:
1. Michael Jackson => I want to see him performing live
2. My grandparents from my father => because i've never seen them.
3.My grandfather from my mom => because i've never seen him
If you have 3 wishes what do you wish for and why?:
1. I wish i could go around the world => because i want to see the world !
2. I wish i could enter heaven => because there is kolam susu *canda*
3. I wish i could be the best => i dont know. everyone want to be the best, right?
Your 3 Favorites songs and artist:
1. Brighter - Paramore
The 3 Things you can’t live without:
1. TV
3. Internet connection
The 3 Person you can’t live without:
1. My mom
2. My dad
3. I cant choose between my friends or my brothers !!
Your 3 favourite hobbies:
1. watching movies
2. listening and playing musics
3. travelling
Tv Show:
1. American Idol
2. Nanny 911
3. Take me out (cokiii!! lol)
Do fish get thirsty? no
Do vampires get AIDS? maybe. i like to watch true blood, and they have sex constantly.
How come chocolate milk doesn’t come from brown cows? so, strawberry milk comes from PINK COWS ? I dont think so
How come wrong numbers are never busy? because they are wrong
Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there? many people live from selling cigarettes. we cant prohibit them to sell cigarettes anywhere, can we?
If a fly has no wings would you call him a walk? maybe
Why can’t we tickle ourselves? mmm. thats true. but the reason ? i dont know
If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked? both
If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know? mmm. ask our teachers?
If blind people wear dark glasses, why don’t deaf people wear earmuffs? do earmuffs look cool? because dark glasses do.
If Superman is so smart why does he wear his underpants over his trousers? hahaha, this is an old joke. because if he wears his underpants under his trousers, he will be called SUPARMAN. lol
Why is it called a “building” when it is already built? mmmm.. this is the hard one. i dont know
What do you call a male ladybug? mister bug sounds cool or kingbug. but, we still call it ladybug, right ? or there are no male ladybugs?
What do you call a bedroom with no bed in it? non-bed bedroom
What do you say if you’re talking to God, and he sneezes? Whoa, i think i'll give him panadol cold & flu. wihi
What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don’t pass? i'll escape
Can you daydream at Night? no
Can you cry underwater? maybe i can. i dont know, i've never tried
If laughter is the best medicine, who’s the idiot who said they ‘died laughing’? you !
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don’t lay eggs. Because they look cute by carrying eggs everywhere? I have no idea
Do prison buses have emergency exits? no, if they do, i'm sure the emergency exits will be broken because it would be used by many stong bad men (baca : napi-napi yang kuat)
Do you like this Section? =)) YES ! Very much
This Or That:
Money or trust: Trust
100 friends or 1bestfriend: 100 friends
Basketball or football: Basketball
Ipod or cellphone: Cellphone
Milk or juice: Juice
Nike or Jordan: Nike
Red or Blue: Blue
Rock or Rap: Rock
Pasta or Pizza: Pasta
Chocolate or Candy: Both >3
Fight back or cry: cry
Loud or Quiet: Loud
Canada or United State: United State
Winter or Summer: Winter !!
Cold or Hot: Cold
Math or English: English
Lazy or athletics: Lazy
Lasagna or Salad =) : Lasagna (garfield lovers)
What do you like most about yourself?: my hobbies
When was the last time you been in hospital?: when i was in kindergarten
Do you think you’re Funny?: a lil bit ?
The last time you cry?: when i had to wait for wonton (pangsit goreng) in bakmi GM. At that time, i had to break my fasting. But, i had to wait for wonton for nearly 15 minutes, just for ten wontons. I cried when i got that wontons and my father saw me and said "kenapa nangis ? sini, papa tegur yang buat nangis". Isnt that ridiculous? Would my father scold the waiter and say "anak saya nangis cuma gara-gara nunggu pangsit. tau ga?". KAN GA LUCU !! I cried more loudly when my father want to scold the waiter but I said "Yaudah sih. Biasa aja". Untung bapak gue kaga jadi marahin mba-mba GM. If he did, i would be embarassed.
You’re stupid: Sometimes. When i have to make a decision
What did you get for your last birthday?: i dont remember. but i celebrated my last birthday by watching Twilight with my classmates. And maybe new moon for this birthday?
Are you currently looking forward for anything?: Yes. Holga camera, new DSLR camera, SLR camera, nintendo wii, Playstation 3, skullcandy earphones, zibbits for my crocs, and much-much more
In your Ipod do you have a song ” Better Than me - Hinder”?: No. Why?
Do you like purple?: Mmmm. So-so
What would you do if your BESTFRIEND backstab you?: i will backstab her back *just kidding*. i think i wouldnt do anything
Do you like being alone or chillin with friends?: depends on the situation.
When typing LMFAO are you really laughin your f’n ass off?: No
First initial of your worst enemy?: A (one of my teachers. hihihih)
What would you do if I slap you in the face?: I'll slap you back or maybe i'll ask you "Why did you slap my face ? All you have done is asking me this f***ing questions". Maybe..
Do you do your homework everyday?: No. Or sometimes. Not really
when was the last time you lied to your parents?: I dont remember. LOL
If they find out what kind of punishment will you get?: ??
Have you ever fall of your bike?: Yes ! But the most embarassing fall i've ever had is when i rode a bike in one of hotel, i fell to the grass, dan bekasnya masih ada sampe gue ke hotel itu setahun kemudian. apa gue hiperbola ? Gatau deh
When are you going to get your Lip pierce?: Never
What are you suppose to do right now?: Doing my math homeworks
What is your favourite food?: Seafood
Can you eat it everyday for a week?: Of couse
Its there something wrong today?: No
Do type A-Z without looking at the keyboard?: yeah. i can do that
Are you listening to music?: now? mungkin soundtrack dari film cina yang nyokap gue lagi tonton. yang ada jerry yan nya loh. LOL
What are you going to do after this?: play kingdom hearts 358/2 days in my nds emulator soalnya ds gue mati karena gue lupa chargernya dimana. Damn.
This note almost over =)) do you like it?: Very much.
What the most thing you like about your room? Drum and bed (i cant choose one of them)
What the last Inbox message say?: "DIAKHIR MASA JABATANNYA, PIMPINAN dan Anggota MPR mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia yang telah mendukung kinerja MPR RI 2004-2009" from MPR-RI. whoa, lol
Do you have TV in your room?: yes !
What is your worst subject at schooL and Why?: Art. Because i cant draw
If we go back to the mall, Would you steal em chocolate again?: again? i dont think so
what do you wants to be in 10 years?: a traveller with a lot of money
what is your worry at the moment?: midtest at my school. it will be held in 2 weeks from now
Do you like this survey?: yeah. very much =D thanks