Archive for September 2010


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(Taken by my lomo fisheye 1, iso 200, so it was kinda dark or something :( )

last night, i met this girl. she is my photography teacher's daughter. she's about 7 or 8 years old. and the most shocking thing is she could read something if we cover her eyes or if she closes her eyes ! yeah, to test it, she could read money's series number and she could read text message when we covered her eyes. and after that, (its just getting more shocking) she could see someone's aura. and when she saw me, my aura is purple. i dont know that she just guessed or she could actually see it. and i'm so curious to know what purple aura means. so i googled out, and it turned out like this,
"Purple Aura people are highly psychic, attuned to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a predominant amount of purple in their Aura are seen as mysterious and secretive.

The Purple Aura individual possesses a philosophical, enquiring and intuitive mind. They love to learn and never stop exploring and enquiring into new subjects and areas that interest them. Because of this they tend to be extremely interesting and knowledgeable people.

The Purple Aura individual does not have a wide circle of many friends. But the friends they do have are held close and are respected, admired and loved. People with a predominant purple Aura tend to be unlucky in love but once they have found their perfect soul mate are loyal and loving for life.

Purple Aura people connect well with animals and nature. They are attuned to animals and can sense their emotions and feelings. Purple Aura people tend to take in and care for strays as their loving and caring nature makes it difficult for them to turn strays away"

AND ITS JUST RIGHT TO THE POINT, i mean it was like she's playing dart and she could hit the bullseye. its just the way i see myself. i love to explore a lot of things, in case of that, i couldnt be really good at something. yeah purple aura just defines me. haha, but i dont know that i'm somekind of physcic or something, huuuu so mysterious and secretive. oh, but i was so shocked when i read this. wow, youre too good kid. dont read my mind please if we could meet each other again someday :p

jetsetter and holiday freak

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"...can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars ? i could really use a wish right now..." - airplanes by b.o.b ft. hayley williams

hey guys, how was your holiday? and how are you doing? i hope you'll be just fine :) although my holiday was really a blast, but now i have to face many tests. it makes my adventurous holiday just like a short-dream. but i really love my holiday! because i travelled around kuala lumpur and perth just with maps, didle (my camera canon eos 500d), crocs shoes, sunglasses, and guts. yeah ! i dont really like touring by guide, i rather use directions and my instincts. but, if its in Indonesia, i rather use tour guide because i dont really understand my own country's streets and directions. Haha, i'm serious. but I think its ok to get lost sometimes, right? so i went to kualalumpur for two days. i enjoyed petronas twins tower (which is really remarkable), view from its bridge, genting highlands, merdeka square, kuala lumpur city, and of course its 7eleven, haha. and i almost always ate at indian restaurant. i always faced nasi beriyani, roti canai and friends. one day i wanted to try their tomyam, and it just sucks !! too spicy and too much. i think i will keep my choice to nasi beriyani and their friends. yeah i just spent 2 days before i went to perth, WA for 5 days. so I went to fremantle (it has a wonderful beach, and the most fascinating sunset ive ever seen, sadly i lost my photos while i was there ), perth zoo (they got many animals including koala and kangaroo of course), perth city (they got like the biggest music instrument, actually its a building. called swan bell), mandurah (its outside the city, and mandurah has a great lake and you can relax at the park while playing with birds), and yeah we just explored and explored. I like when locals were trying to help us if we got confused or if we got lost, even one day there was an australian guy tried to talk to us. he teaches indonesian languange in perth and he has ever been to jogja to study. he's very excited about indonesia ! and when we were in mandurah, we asked an australian girl to take a picture of us, and suddenly she asked "kalian darimana?", whoaaa !! it turns out that she had been stayed in sabang for 6 month. oh, our world is small, yeah?

so, if it started so smooth, it has to meet an end too. yeah so we just flew back to kualalumpur and jakarta. back to our normal life. back to hectic days. back to reality. oh i miss to fly in a plane, i could really use a wish right now, just like b.o.b and hayley williams sing in the lyrics above. maybe if my family got a chance, we could travel to another country to discover more unique things. yeah, if we could find a cheap flight, of course. good bye and have a nice flight !

P.S. : i took about maybe 1000+ in my holiday. i'd like to put the best ones in my flickr page : click here i cant upload all of them now, but i'm uploading 15 photos. so, open it and comment it guys, thanks a bunch !


"look at the koala, he's so sad. hey what are you looking mr. koala?"

sunset plane cloud,sunset plane cloud

"oh a great sunset view from his window. what a great ending for an enormous holiday !"



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yes, i have a story. ive been confused recently. do my friends grow too fast, or is it me who doesnt evolve on time? they've already turned into mature ladies, they've already had many experiences, they've already wore some fashionable and feminime outfits. in the other hand, how about me? i'm just the girl next door who still wears t-shirt and jeans. oh God, and i even have some girlfriends who called me "handsome". i think, it is me who should take the blame. it is my fault that i'm too afraid of changes. but i dont want to change, i like the way i am now. hoooo so dilemma. yes, i think i can improve myself by taking some good changes and just be myself. @_@ bzzzzzz confused. ok, the best solution is just be me. thank you for listening to my useless post today. toodles <3

"hey, i'm so damn bored now. just want to go somewhere and lift up my camera. and capture things that ive never seen before"

P.S. i miss my croquette. nana, fanny, and marsha. hey we could hunt some photographs while we're taking a break at caravan in october,guys. please, we should go there. i need a getaway. i need a break.

hello world

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i'm just so happy, that i have my diddle (read : my canon eos 500d) back after a long time ago. yesterday, i shot sunset in the street. yea i know its (almost) sunset, and i took it from inside my car. so, i know, that my photos are not great or something, but i tried.

and today, me and my brother were so thrilled that we found a great device to make light grafitti. so we wrote our names and captured it.

(hey i got my name there ! fyi, this was set in : bulb, f20, and iso 100)

bye and happy holiday guys !

a little bit emotional, or too much?

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i'm not in the mood recently. i just want to jump off the cliff and shout as loud as i can. i dont care if it gives me so much pain. i just want to go somewhere and drown myself. why am i so emotional? i dont know. maybe all i need is a break from the real world and go into somekind of fantasy world or something. thanks God, holiday is coming. please entertain me :( as soon as possible


P.S : it is me who took my picture that jump off the cliff from uluwatu, bali. luckily i survive that jump, cheers :D

new path

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i think i should find a new path to walk on. i should try and find something new. but first, i found it harder in 11th grade :( so i want to work hard on it. and then, i find it interesting to start a new hobby, new interests, and explore things more. wish me luck !