Archive for Desember 2009

happy holiday pals !

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merry christmas and happy new year pals ! hey, it means we got a long holiday. yeah its true, but it could be boring if we dont do anything to fill this holiday. hmm i got some ideas to fill this holiday with fun activities. its kinda "me-version" list, so if you dont like it, just chill and read it !

first : buy many dvd's and watch it with some friends. oh dont forget to buy actII or jolly time. that two things would be perfect.

second : if you enjoy photography like i do, find some interesting places to be your "hunting" place. it doesnt need to be far away. and dont forget to invite your friends too!

third : create a list by googling or asking your friends about interesting foodplaces or cafes or resto's in town ! then, take your family or your friends to enjoy it.

fourth : if you like to play PC game, you can download it. for example : i adore bigfishgames very much ! so, i could play those games that i already downloaded and finish it before holidays come to an end.

fifth : hmmm. what more? maybe you can try something new. ex : cut you hair with a newhaircut, watch movies in cinema, or create your resoulutions in 2010. oh! and you can find malls or stores which provide big discounts.

ok, i think thats all. happy-enjoying-holidays guys !


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Today (December 7th 2009) is just another bornday-repeating. But what makes it special is how my friends (old and new ones), my siblings, and of course, my family remember my birthday and congratulate me. Just how nice it is :-) Thanks guys! I heart you all.
And Hey I’m getting older and older without even me, noticing it. I have to be more mature, better, and TALLER (crossfinger). I really need Edward Cullen or Bill Compton to bite me now so I could live forever then I could fix my life and make it better. I think it could spend 100 years to be a perfect person. But nobody’s perfect right? And I think, this imperfect idea and short-aged human make our life much more important. Whoops, what am I blabbering about now? And hey I got a very good poem from my friend
“The farthest thing is past .The closest thing is death.”. I think he’s trying to tell me that we’re walking slowly to death and its getting closer and closer and we should forget the past and be prepare for the upcoming thing like death. And, birthday is just one process to be closer to the end of our lives. AHA, now birthday is such not a good idea. Just kidding :-)
But, I want to say thank you to people around me that (already) congratulated me and wished me all the good things. You are the best, guys !