Javajazz 2011

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hey y'all!!! wazzup, i'm so so lazzzeeeh to update my blog! but, i tell you sumthin, i like to do it now because many things happened and i think i should write about those things.

hey, have you heard about Javajazz Festival? one of the biggest jazz show in the world. So, many local or international jazz artists would perform in that festival.

Me with my friend (dhika) went to Javajazz on Friday. And that was a blast! These are some photos from our journey there, enjoy :')

dira sugandi = > great voice!!! she even covered some of incognito's songs like still a friend of mine and dont you worry bout a thing! 4 thumbs up lady!

Aditya => i dont know -___- is it because i dont know his songs? but i still enjoy it though

Glenn Fredly => He is the master of romantic songs in Indonesia! It seems he understands so much about "pergalauan", he is Glenn Fredly! Thank God, he played some songs that i loveee!! Hurts so bad, timur, youre my everything, and he covered some songs too. The theme of his show was "Negeri Dongeng" which is Indonesia. He concerned about what's going on in Indonesia rite now. He matched the theme with a medley of his songs, what a brilliant idea!

Barry Likumahuwa Project => what a great jazz band!!! i was so speechless, and i even forgot to take many photos of them. they're fresh, funk, and aaaaaaaa!! flawless indeed! talented young people is in the house yoo!

Roy Hangrove Quintet => it is so relaxing to watch them play. that was a blast!

and i watched Javajazz on Sunday too with my brother, but too bad I didnt bring my camera along with me!!! I watched :
Jeff Lorber => a great keboardist, along with his saxophonist and a left-handed bass, insane!
New York Voices => great!!! but i waited them to sing some of jazzy songs, but they didnt, dissapointed -,-
Steve smith & vital information feat. vinny valentino => steve smith was such a great drummer, eventhough he's old (-___-) but his drum-playing is out of this world man!
Gigi and ron king big band => Gigi played some of their songs, and they were accompanied with ron king big band, and can you guess? IT WAS AN AWESOME PERFORMANCE. :O
Sandhy sondhoro => He played some of classic songs, and it was closed with malam biru, hemm his voice is so cooooooooooooooooooool , words cant describe
Indonesian youth regeneration => -_- they are insanee!!!! they covered some of nowadays songs, with jazzy touch and unusual beats. insaneeeeee!!!!!!!!! and theyre only less than 22 years old, :3
that was a wrap! blasssssttttttt, love it! cant wait for javajazz 2012

me with my partner in crime, @Dhikadhya!

being kids for awhile

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heyho, oh my God, its been a while since i updated my blog. and within the period, i (indeed)had many things that's worth to share but then an accident happened,my laptop was crashed *mourning*, and i havent fixed it yet. get well soon lappy!and btw HAPPY 2011! i hope we can make a new resulotion for this amazing year. i did nothing in new years eve, I just had a romantic date with lady diddly and capture some firework photos.

ohyeah, 13-01-11, I went to kidzania pasific place. I went there with my 7 friends. Literally, we are not kids anymore. But, i think there's no problem for being kids for awhile hahaha. In there, we had to work as adults do. Like being a police, doctor, etc
so I was grouped with yayos, listy, and puspa and enjoyed some of great experiences while in there
*) Dubber :
Here we had to dub a Pingu episode. And surprise-surprise! I got Pingu's role. And I just pitched my voice high and blabbered during the episode. Yayos got the dad's role (who loves to snore so much), listy got the mom's role, and Puspa got the Pinga's role (Pingu's sister). It was a lotta fun!

*) Librarian :
So I heard from Yayoz that we didnt have to do anything to get paid in this library. but the librarian told us that we had to read 3 books for children or play 3 songs in piano or guitar. Yeah, i didnt wanna be"gabut" so i played guitar and played song randomly. but it was pretty fun too, since the library is so comfy

*) salon's costumer and stylist :
In here, I became a costumer and Listy was my stylist. She massaged my head like a pro (Thanks a lot Listy!), combed my hair, and gave me powder and some glitters. Hahaaha

*) Dancer :
Relax!! We didnt become a striptease dancers (of course) we just had to dance in the dance floor. When the DJ asked for the song, I immediately shouted "Katy Perry - Firework" !

*) UGD Doctor :
Here we had to be a steady doctor when there was an accident or something. so I and puspa became the doctors while Yayos and Listy had to wait in front of the theatre (they acted to be victims of an accident) and I and puspa became the doctors to rescue and heal them at the scene. We came to them with an ambulance and treated their wounds. Some of children there even asked "Ini b
eneran ya? Apa bohongan?" whoaaaaaa!!! Were we that good in acting or sumthing?

*) Pilot :
We had to become pilots in airasia boeing 737-300 flight. whoa, I thought that the simulator would be cool, but I was wrong. Hey, but at least, we met two australian brothers, their names are Lockey and Tom. They were so epic cute! They even
could say "Selamat Pagi, Selamat Siang, Selamat Sore, Selamat Malam". Kiss kiss ({})

*) Pizza Maker :
We were starving like hell. And I was so hungry. So we decided to make some pizzas. We could add mozarella cheese as much as we want. So , I was like a mozarella monster. Took as much as mozarellas to my dough. And we could eat a pizza that we made. Pretty satisfying but I'm still hungry~

*) Kumon Student :
*no comment*

Hah, there were still so much to do but we didnt get enough time. We havent tried to be the actors, models, radio or news announcer, journalist, photographer, cashier, racer, police, csi agents, ice cream maker, noodle maker, archeologist, pipe fixer, wall climber, magician, and much much more. Hah, I want to go there again, (if I still can hide my actual age)

(too bad, fida went home before we took this picture :( )


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hey, zzzzzzzzzup people! are you guys doing okay? or so-so?
i'm gonna tell you about my condition to date.
recently, i have a sickness and i call it "5 o'clock syndrome". so every 5 o'clock sharp in the evening, i will have a severe headache. yap, to relieve that, i have to take my favorite candy called dumin (yap, its not a candy, its actually a medicine)and take a nap while watching my favorite tv shows and sleep early. and to have this sickness is pretty annoying. sssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
and i think to myself, how to get rid of it and where does this sickness come from?
maybe, recently, i think about my school too much, there are so much pressure to burden since i have to get a really good mark in this semester, or maybe i do need to refresh my head. hmmmm maybe i need an early holiday? or or maybe its a lack of play time for me then i feel so bored with my daily life. and maybe i often THINK TOO MUCH. geez.
and to get rid of it, i think i have to relax my head for awhile. doing and thinking nothing is the best thing to do, i guess.

anyone knows how to "ctrl+alt+del" a human's brain? call me if you have the info !

do not brake! keep moving on!

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I have many dreams. and to achieve that, i have to accomplish many things too. but, i dont really want to take a big leap, i prefer to enjoy every little step to cherish every moments of it. but, the major problem is, i'm always afraid of something. its not "for a pessimist, i'm very optimistic", i'm kinda like "for a pessimist, i'm very very very pessimistic". so how can i achieve my dreams? uh like wise men said , "kalah sebelum berperang", yup thats right! thats me! geez, so how to change it? hmm i think, its just like a bicycle! yeah i just have to kick the saddle and do not stop. do not brake, enjoy some obstacles along the way, but enjoy the wind and scenery too, in the end i'll arrive at my own destination. its as simple as it is :)


-hubbuboy (P.S. : so sorry for the failed vignetting, hey i post this in 1:31 a.m. )

midtest. pro-contra

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holaaaaa! i'm so f***in relieved that I (finally) got my freedom back after a crazy week of midterm test. it was sooo difficult, and i dont think that i already gave my best, but i least i tried. and i have to accept whatever scores i'd get, and i have to learn more to get more. after this, i reallllly want to listen to the teacher instead sleeping or eating or playing or tweeting. i really want to take my pencil and take a note from whatever the teachers would say. even its not important, i will take the details of it. i really want to take every lessons seriously, and i really want to be better from now on. okay, i know its easier to be said than done, but i will do everything i can!

hey, during the midterm test, i realized that i got some new bestfriends and some new enemies. do you want to meet them? here it goes !

these are my bestfriends! they are so smart, knowledgeable, and I can find anything I want from them. their names are BOOKS. although they are so kind and wise, and they always want to share some informations for me, but i found it difficult to interact with them, because they usually bored me!

meet my enemies !!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa just like slank's song "i miss you but i hate you!" yap. i hate the fact that they can be so much fun but they can kill you without even you noticing it! meet my laptop, my blackberry, my headset, my guitar, even my koalaaaa!!!!! they distract me all the time. if i read my books for 1 hour, its just like ive been reading for several hours, but if i play with them, 1 hour feels like 5 minutes. really!!! its true. eventually, i made this post while i was bored to study chemistry. shhhh help me.

and the last but not least,in fact, this is my worst enemy,everytime i see her sit alone, i always want to grab her and take some photographs together, the newest member of my crew, diddly.

hey, diddly's crazy owner is here! what is she doing? she is so annoying.

good night fellas !

welcome to the club, diddly.

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hola friends, let me introduce myself! my name is diddly, i'm nikon d90 and i'm officially adin's new sleepmate, travelmate, eatmate, huntmate, or maybe soulmate. yeah, although our relationship just started two weeks ago, we already shot sunset from the rooftop together. here here here, take a look to our sunset picts.

sunset #3

sunset #2

toodles friends, hope to see you more!



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(Taken by my lomo fisheye 1, iso 200, so it was kinda dark or something :( )

last night, i met this girl. she is my photography teacher's daughter. she's about 7 or 8 years old. and the most shocking thing is she could read something if we cover her eyes or if she closes her eyes ! yeah, to test it, she could read money's series number and she could read text message when we covered her eyes. and after that, (its just getting more shocking) she could see someone's aura. and when she saw me, my aura is purple. i dont know that she just guessed or she could actually see it. and i'm so curious to know what purple aura means. so i googled out, and it turned out like this,
"Purple Aura people are highly psychic, attuned to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a predominant amount of purple in their Aura are seen as mysterious and secretive.

The Purple Aura individual possesses a philosophical, enquiring and intuitive mind. They love to learn and never stop exploring and enquiring into new subjects and areas that interest them. Because of this they tend to be extremely interesting and knowledgeable people.

The Purple Aura individual does not have a wide circle of many friends. But the friends they do have are held close and are respected, admired and loved. People with a predominant purple Aura tend to be unlucky in love but once they have found their perfect soul mate are loyal and loving for life.

Purple Aura people connect well with animals and nature. They are attuned to animals and can sense their emotions and feelings. Purple Aura people tend to take in and care for strays as their loving and caring nature makes it difficult for them to turn strays away"

AND ITS JUST RIGHT TO THE POINT, i mean it was like she's playing dart and she could hit the bullseye. its just the way i see myself. i love to explore a lot of things, in case of that, i couldnt be really good at something. yeah purple aura just defines me. haha, but i dont know that i'm somekind of physcic or something, huuuu so mysterious and secretive. oh, but i was so shocked when i read this. wow, youre too good kid. dont read my mind please if we could meet each other again someday :p